Something odd happened over the weekend. I had time to knit. Lace knitting. I am not sure what sort of planetary alignment (read: cleaning neglect) created this opportunity, but I took full adantage. I conpleted several repeats in my First Lace (Branching Out) scarf. 17 repeats down, estimated 8 to go. I would take a picture, but it doesn't look much different than the last picture I took.
Just when I am screaming along thinking I have this pattern down. . . .the knitting fates slap me in the back of the head, and I realize that I have three extra stitches on one side. So far, on these rare occurrances, I have simply made the adjustments, rather than go looking for where I screwed up to begin with. After blocking, I may find that these corrections are all too apparent, but that is what first attempts are all about. Learning.
Meanwhile, my yarn cabinet is one step closer to being put in use. My sweetie cut and glued (?!) the cedar blocks into shelves. After hours of the glue "curing", the shelves can now be cut, again. This is all apparently necessary for shelf construction. Who knew?
Today, it is all about the learning curve.
5 years ago