Last night was the perfect example of why I hate swatching. I have finished several WIP's recently (pictures to come later, as I am away from my home computer and camera today), so I wanted to celebrate by starting something new.
I have had something in particular perculating in my mind, so I spent a couple days gathering in preparation. I checked out the book at the library. I jotted down the notes from a blog with my desired midification. I pulled the yarn out of my stash, and decided the best color combo. I was ready.
Last night, I sat down to swatch, to determine the best needle size. Three episodes of "Sex and the City" later (from Season six, on DVD from the library), I had finished my swatch, and decided that I liked the size 7 needle the best, 5 and 6 being too tight.
By then, I was too tired to cast on, and just went to bed. Disappointed, and vowing to start this morning.
This is why I hate swatching. I will hate it even more if I cast on, and decide that 7 is too loose.
I refuse to take a picture of the swatch, so I will just have to wait a little longer to talk about the new project in detail.
Today, it is all about the frustration.
5 years ago