Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Warm hands, cold ears

The fingerless are finished. My hands will be nice and warm during morning walks to the courthouse. They will, however, still be uncoordinated, as none of the other warm accessories are finished. 

The past few months, it seems like knitting is taking back seat to my second job: chauffeur to two very cute little boys. This job hit a new high last week. I spent three hours after work running around. Left work at 4, then: bank, library, pick up my sweetie, hardware store to buy a new bathroom faucet to replace the recently broken one, grocery store (apparently it was the last day of the sale on baby back ribs) pick up children, Taco Bell (because cooking dinner was completely out of the relm of realism), drop off husband and youngest child, then take oldest child to Cub Scouts. All this in a snowstorm. 

Now that I think about it, chauffeur isn't the only part of the second job.  I am maid, cook, nanny, chauffeur, laundress, and all while bringing in income equal to my sweetie's. 

And sometimes, I knit. 

Today, it is all about the multi-tasking. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Soon, and hopefully in time

As you can see, I have been diligently knitting away on the second mitt.  (Please note that it's current resemblance to a medieval torture device is purely accidental, and will not resemble the finish object in either design or function.)  In another few days, I should have finished mitts to start wearing on the short trek to the courthouse. 
And just in time, I might add.  Another arctic blast is headed to Indiana.  I  have until Thursday.  Hmm, today is Tuesday, I better get knitting.
Today, it is all about preparing for the impending arctic doom.