With all of the mitts and hats to be done, I realized one nice thing: I didn't have to buy very much yarn for any of it. When a hat was requested, purple, no black, no purple, maybe purple and black, didn't have to buy any yarn. I just went to the stash. I bought them when River Knits was closing. I didn't know what I would make with it, but the yarn was pretty and significantly discounted. But now, i am delighted that I found the perfect project for the yarn. As I have been knitting at the courthouse, I have gotten so many compliments on the yarn. It warms the heart.
For the mitts, I pulled skein after skein from the stash, to match the favorite colors for the teachers. I had to buy one skein, because I didn't have any yarn that was "jewel-toned green" but I was able to find the other favored colors in my yarn cabinet.
I have so much yarn right now, it delights me to put it all to good use.
Today it is all about stockpiling, and finding a use for it.
5 years ago