Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Back-up Sock

You know how when you leave the house, you always pack too much knitting. At least I do. I go to my mother's house for the afternoon and pack a sock in my purse, just in case. I go away for a weekend, and bring a current work in progress, or two, or three. I don't really expect to finish ALL of these projects, but I may finish (or arrive at an impasse) one, and I never really know what I am going to FEEL like knitting. So I pack a giant bag. Just in case.

Today, my pack rat quality saved me. I had more continuing education today. This was a video replay of a seminar, so the audience had no reservation in expressing their boredom, disinterest and endless ennui. People rustled newspapers, fiddled on their laptops, and sat with their eyes fixed glazed at the TV screen. I knit. And knit. And knit. I knit so much, I ran out of yarn! Luckily, true to form, I had a sock stuffed in the bag, just in case.
I am making a car seat blankie for a friend of mine that just found out she is pregnant. I received one, and it is by far the most-used craftie item that I have. My husband must like mine better, because he asked if we could keep the one that I am knitting, and send my friend ours. Hmm, can't do that, because there is no way I am going to claim broomstitck crocheting out of cheap yarn as my own, but maybe my three balls of yarn will miraculously be enough for two blankies.
Must pack more yarn, because I am doing part 2 of the continuing ed tomorrow.
Today, it is all about the spare.

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