Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

I did a lot less knitting on vacation than I expected, for a number of reasons:

First, I forgot the headlamp. (To my husband: I know exactly where your headlamp is, and I will fetch it for you as soon as I finish what I am doing. To everyone else: if anyone perchance sees a headlamp around my house, could you please let me know where.) This limited my in-car knitting to daylight hours.

Second, I ended up reading more than expected. I got entangled a book that wasn't all that great but called to me during times of inactivity.

Third, I was tired more than I hoped, and knitting requires less energy and attention than other activities (see above paragraph).

So much for me making noticeable progress on my Twisted Tweed Sock, or Merry Berry shawl, or . . . .well, anything really. I did a few rows on each, nothing that anyone would notice.

Today, it is all about the missed opportunity.

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