It is official, except for the calendar. Winter is here. No more sandals and capris. The weather has turned cold, and will not be warm again for months. But winter has a knitted lining. Time to break out all those snuggly socks, cozy cardigans and soft scarves.
That was the plan this morning, at least. I bundled up my baby boys in their winter coats, hats and one recently-completed Gryffindor scarf (Bugaboo refused his, said it was only for Halloween). I then turned to swath my own chilly neck and realized how few scarves I own.
How can a knitter have so few scarves? Two old cheap store-bought scarves from my pre-knitting days, two warm weather drama scarves, two novelty boa scarf, and one lace scarf that is presently missing in action. (I know that I put it "somewhere safe" for the summer, and now I can't remember where. I hate that.)
Really, how is this even possible? How could I have neglected myself like this? I live in a place that is wicked cold for months on end.
I am going to have to do something about that.
So, really, this is just an excuse to start something new. I did finish one scarf, so that brings it down to only six active projects right now. I am allowed.
Excuse me, I think I have to go shopping.
Today, it is all about the neglect.
5 years ago