What passes for normal is relative to your personal perspective and experiences. Knitting in public is perceived by the muggle population as an aberration reserved for white-haired grannies. I have my husband well-trained. He doesn't bat an eye while I knit in bars, at sporting events like football and Nascar, waiting in offices, and anywhere else I fancy. After nine years of marriage, my sweetie is convinced this behavior is normal. (Well, for me, it is!)
The Courthouse has been a much slower acclimation. I don't have the luxury on working on them 24/7. But after all these years, I think that people have become accustomed, and even express interest, to my knitting in hallways and courtrooms.
Yesterday, the sight of two attorneys knitting in the hallway at the same time was enough to prove to me that there is still work to be done. People were still talking about it today. Apparently, attorneys who knit don't appear intimidating enough. Possibly, but I can't do kickboxing while I am waiting 15 minutes for court to start. The sharp, pointy metal spikes aren't intimidating enough?
Today, it is all about the intimidation factor.
5 years ago
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