A part of me is still a California girl at heart, especially in January. I don't mind the cold weather, and I actually like snow, but January can a drain on anyone's cheerfulness. After the bustle and colorful lights of December, January just seems so . . . Janaury. The weather is colder, the sky grayer, and there is not much to look forward to until spring.
This year, it seemed like my knitting was gray too. I was working on my brother's Smittens, in gray. I was working on the last few inches of Celtic Sage, which is in a lovely sage green, but looked boringly gray. Even my Wirbel was in a gray section of the color palette.
I don't know what happened. I have so many other things in progress. So many shawls. Pretty shawls. Lovely colors, in beautiful designs. Then this brightly rainbow ball of yarn jumped into my hands, and the next thing I know, I was knitting. Making the pattern up as I went.
Don't judge me.
Today, it is all about the antidote to January.
5 years ago