These days, it feels like politics has invaded every facet of American society, on a extremely toxic and negative level. Today, it felt like the invasion was complete, Knittervention was targeted.
One of our sporadic members stated that as the bar where we meet had a poster for her political opposition, and refused to put her poster up as well. Therefore, she decided not to pay them another dime. I pointed out that she could come and knit and order water. She discussed how we should consider a place that was not "taking sides." (Really, she doesn't have a problem with a business taking sides, just that it was not willing to take HER side.)
I restrained myself from responding right away. Definitely one of those times when it is wise to sleep on it, and form a well-reasoned response. I pointed out that the particular bar had been very accommodating for nearly a decade. They reserve a private room for, no matter how busy the main bar is, and they leave the lights on bright when they dim the rest of the bar. Personally, I generally judge a bar by their food, beverages, and service.
Apparently, there were some personal messages exchanged, and she will not be joining us again at Knittervention.
Is nothing sacred? Have we honestly descended so low that a few earthlings (we are all women, but I don't want to limit our ranks to those of the female persuasion) truly not able to knit in public for two hours without political animosity rearing its ugly head? Can we really not put aside any political leanings to enjoy a mutual interest? Can red knitters and blue knitters not peacefully coexist while surrounded in fiber?
We apologize for this political interruption. We now return you to your normally scheduled knitting blog.
Today, in is all about the disbelief.
5 years ago
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