Sunday, June 25, 2023

I don't need a stinkin' lifeline!

 I have been doing lace knitting for a while.  An important skill with lace knitting is realizing the flow of the pattern.  You start to realize where the YO's and K2tog's should be, so you notice when there is a mistake.  If the K2tog isn;t where it should be, look back to find the error.  It helps the lace work go much smoother.  

But it also leads to hubris.  You start thinking that you don't need to take precautions.  You can not pay as close attention.  You can watch a new movie.  You don't need a stinkin' lifeline.  And pride like that come before the fall.  I have been working on Spring Wood Shawl.  The first graph went fine.  As I started the second graph, my counts started to get off.  I put it aside for a few months.  That probably compounding the mistake, because when I picked it up again recently, there was no correcting.  I was only on Row 48, and now hopelessly lost.  It was honestly easier to start again.

With precautions.  I have been very careful, and only knitting with low-distraction TV.  28 rows down, and so far ok.  But you better believe that I will be using a lifeline before moving on to Chart 2.

Today, it is all about the repetition.  

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