Sunday, October 24, 2021

Yarn self awareness

 Since I couldn't decide what to start next this past week, I concentrated on finishing.  I realized that I was only a couple inches away from finishing a complete pair of socks.  In part as a defense against the Second Sock Syndrome, and in part out of memory preservation, I had been knitting both socks at the same time.  I hadn't knit socks for a while, and found my skills as bit rusty.  So I went back and forth between both socks, in an attempt to ensure they were identical twins.  I cast on the toe, and increased to the foot, then did the same on the second sock.  I knit the foot, then did the same.  I did the heel, well, you get the point.  This is only the second time I have knit two socks at the same time.  It seems like the progress is so slow, then all of a sudden, you are only a couple inches away from a PAIR of socks.  Just in time for winter!

My guys were away camping this weekend.  I would have gone, but my mother is abroad this month, and someone had to stay home with the doggies.  (She usually dogsits for us.)  36 child-free/husband-free hours is not a bad thing.  Along with my list of cleaning chores, I wanted to break through my knitting block.  

As I was rearranging and visiting in yarn in my stash, I identified what my barrier.  I have really stepped up my yarn quality.  With my Local yarn store closing two years ago, and a dear friend hosting a de-stashing  party, and some stunning yarns that I secretly bought on Ravelry (Shhhh, don't tell my husband), I have some high quality, truly beautiful yarns.   I was so looking forward to turning some of them into beautiful knitted objects, but then I was struck with self doubt.  Would this yarn be right for this project?  The yardage be enough?  The drape/stitch definition be appropriate?   I didn't want to make a mistake, and have to risk damaging the yarn by frogging.   Quality yarn had made me gun-shy about making a mistake.  Once I realized this, it was easy to overcome.  For what is the use of having delicious yarns if they are stuck in my yarn room for all eternity?  

I did my research:  I looked at the pattern, other examples of that pattern on Ravelry, other projects with that yarn on Ravelry. . . . then I cast on.

   This is a nice start for the day.  I have a new skein of sock yarn and a pattern picked out too.  

Today, it is all about the starts. 

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