I have had the yarn for a while.
I have had the pattern picked out, and sitting by the needles.
The only reason I was waiting was that I really thought I should finish the wrap that I have 75% finished, and the lacey scarf that was serving as my lace test project. I was just afraid that if I didn't finish them first, I would never finish them. What scarf? What wrap? I am faithless.
Compounding my insanity is that fact that I barely have the time or energy to knit at all, much less knit something that requires concentration. I am progressing (slowly) on my mindless and semi-mindless knitting: my latest sock, my sweetie's hoodie, the car seat blankies. What am I thinking trying to start a huge lace project? I do cartwheels when the little guy sleeps for a three hour stretch overnight. (Last night, he woke up every ninety minutes for food. He will be six months old next week. When does he start sleeping longer?)
And yet, there I was, learning a new invisible cast on and starting a new project. I was simply unable to resist it, in spite of all the good reasons against it.
Today, it is all about the temptation.