A couple months ago, my sweeties asked when I was going to finish his hoodie. I told him that I would work on it every time that I went to Knit Night. By the way, I haven't been to Knit Night since before Bugaboo was mobile. He is over 2 now, so needless to say, it has been a while.
To my shock, he agreed. He told me to remind him of when it was every month (apparently putting it on the calendar isn't enough), and he would watch the boys. October was the first month. When I got home, I wasn't sure what I was going to find, but it wasn't what I did find: all was quiet on the home front, with both boys tucked into bed and sleeping. Monday was month 2. When I got home, little boys weren't quite ready for bed, but there was not chaos, and I will take what I can get.
What I got in return was two hours uninterrupted knitting time with knit-minded ladies, both months. The first month I worked entirely on his hoodie. Last time, it occurred to me that I said I would work on it at Knit Night, but I didn't say how long I would work on it. So I also worked on my still unnamed red sock. And I have worked on Twisted Tweed the past couple weeks too.
And if I took pictures of any other them, no one would be able to tell a difference. I hate the middle of projects. It feels like a knitting black hole. I enjoy the knitting process as much as the next girl, but I still want to see progress for my time.
But I am looking forward to next month.
Today, it is all about the monthly treats.
5 years ago
I agree; feeling like you are making progress is important to the health of the knitter as well as the chances of actually getting a project done...