Friday, June 7, 2013

The Incredible Growing Shawl

My obsession devotion to the Noro shawl is growing as fast as the shawl itself.  27 inches completed.  Halfway through ball #4. 

For once, my inclination to pack an exrtra ball in the WIP bag, "just in case", is not completely crazy.  With other projects, I would do it, then that spare ball ends up lying in the bag for weeks.  These days, I am honestly in danger of running out of yarn for the day if I don't do it. 

The spare ball of yarn takes some planning, since I am trying to match the color progression from the ending ball to the beginning ball.  I have dug out the yarn puke from each ball, so I know the starting shade.  ("Yarn puke" is my term for the great big blob of yarn that comes out of a center pull ball when you are searching for the beginning.  Just wait.  The term will catch on.)

At the office now, and my desktop is too stupid to talk to my smart phone, so pics will have to wait for another day. 

Today, it is all about the yarn puke. 

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