Monday, December 14, 2009
Familiar conversation
Person: You look like you're about ready to pop.
Me: I have seven more weeks to go.
Pause for look of surprise on other person's face.
Person: Are you sure there is only one in there?
Me: According to the ultrasound, only one.
Person: Boy or girl?
Me: The baby was shy at the ultrasound. Kept doing somersaults. And since there is not medical reason for another one, insurance won't pay for it, so we get to be surprised.
Person (looking at my large belly again.) You're not going to make it to the end of January.
Me: That would really screw up my trial calendar.
Repeat as often as I interact with other humans.
Today, it is all about the repetition.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The calendar doesn't lie
8 more weeks to the unending pregnancy. A lawyer I work with (well, against, really) commented that I have been "looking maternal" for a long time now. What a nice way to say that I was showing at two months. Right now, I feel the same that I did a week or two before my oldest was born. Unwieldy, uncomfortable, unenergetic, and I still have 8 weeks to go! So there hasn't been much knitting lately. A row here and there, but nothing picture worthy. Resting time is complete resting time. I don't even feel like moving my fingers at such times. I can read, at least. So my mind is not exactly turning to mush just yet.
Meanwhile, I have to come up with one more exchange gift and something to cook before Sunday. Does anyone know how to slow down the calendar? If anyone would figure that out, it would be a knitter with Christmas looming.
Today, it is all about the day counting.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Small creations
I was able to knit on some of the sightseeing days, when our host was doing the driving. A couple days, I was driving, to which my sweetie initially objected, until he saw the intricate network of freeways in the LA basin. Not for rookies.
Speaking of pregnancy, I am feeling better these days. Safely entered the third trimester, I feel like I have been huge forever this go round. Some days I can't get comfortable no matter what, and the intermittant insomnia creates some tired days, but last weekend was a couple of good days. I celebrated by turning
into this. . . .
I can hear my little guy stirring, so I think it may to be time to start my day. It is Veterans's Day, so the courthouse is closed, but I am going into the office to catch up on paperwork. Best wishes to all Veterans, those serving now, those who served in the past, and those who have gone before us. In that last category, a special moment of silence for my grandfather, Jerome Prescott Knight, U.S. Army, retired, and my father, Allan Prescott Knight, U.S. Air Force. Between the two of them, the fought in three wars and lived to raise families and instill in us a sense of moralily and patriotism. God bless America!
Monday, October 12, 2009
When I wasn't looking. . .
Pomotomus socks: only an inch or so til the toe decreases (of sock 2).
Twisted Tweed: only an inch or two til the toe decreases (of sock 1).
Sweetie's hoodie: only three inches to the neck shaping.
How did this happen? I mean, I know that I HAD been working on these three projects. A row here, a few stitches there. I find that I can't knit with the little guy is around and awake, because he has a little too much interest in what Mommy is doing, so all of my knitting the past couple months has been sporadic and on the sly. So you can imagine my surprise and delight. I may even have some finished projects to show off soon.
And about time. At the last sock club meeting, someone observed that I was knitting Pomotomus, and asked if I had started another pair. Um, no, this is the same pair. . . that I have been working on for three years. This person doesn't have children, btw.
I may have some serious knitting time coming. My sweetie and the little guy are flying to Calif. Some frequent flyer miles were about to expire (thanks mom!), so we are taking a little trip to see sights, and visit friends and family. My sweetie expressed surprise that I was planning to bring knitting on the plane. "When are you going to be able to knit, with watching the little man?" he says. Ok, the second leg of the flight is after the little guy's bedtime, and there is always a CHANCE that he will sleep a little. Plus, there are car rides when I may not be driving. I am not going away for a week and leaving the knitting at home, and that is that. Men, they just don't understand security knitting. What if he little guy is worn out and sleeps the whole flight? A mom can dream, can't she?
Today, it is all about the cautious anticipation.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Briefcase knitting
I took it out to knit sometime after 1:40 p.m, while waiting for my 1:15 hearing to start, and discovered 2/3's of the stitches footloosed and DPN-free. What WAS I thinking? I rejoined the stitches with their DPN, but by that time, I no longer felt like knitting. Or waiting. I hate it when judges doublebook. My guy took a day off, and ended up sitting in the hallway for over an hour, and re-scheduling.
When I got back to the office, I put a sock (on two circulars) into my briefcase. Let's see those little stitches jump the needle now.
Today, it is all about rebellious stitches.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Two rights can make a wrong
After a couple weeks of good yet undiscernable progress on socks, wraps and sweaters, I decided last night that I wanted to work on something where I could see and show off a few rows of progress. My Celtic Knot lace wrap was perfect. I had only finished row 7. Two more rows, and my project grew by nearly 30%. That's progress.
Except. . . . that I really started looking at it. When you are knitting intricate lace (and new at it, so you have to factor in the many screw-ups that will inevitably occur and have to be re-done) with itty bitty yarn, you want to make sure you are doing it well. You don't want to waste a thousand hours knitting to end up with something that you stick in the back of your closet and never touch again. (I guess that makes me a project knitter instead of a process knitter.)
I looked at the now-completed 9 rows. I looked at my swatch. I pictured them both a hundred times bigger. And I decided that the needles were too big for the yarn. My lacey holes looked gapey. It just didn't look right to my admittedly untrained lace eye.
I considered just re-starting with smaller needles. Except. . . this stole was already smaller than I really wanted (I was hoping that it would magically block substantially larger), and dropping one or two needles sizes would make the stole, well, really more of a scarf. The design is too intricate for something that will be squisehed around your neck and burined underneath a winter coat. Time to abandon project altogether.
Even though the yarn is labeled lace weight and is 2 ply, it seems more like cobweb weight to me. So I got on Ravelry, and started perusing lacey wraps in cobweb weight or lace weight that could be easily enlarged by adding repeats. (I thought about enlarging the Celtic Knot wrap, but that would have required math, and figuring out how many stitches to cast on without knowing the repeat nunber was too much to tackle at 10 p.m. on a Friday night.)
Choice were considered, drooled over, added to the queue (like I need more things on there), and finally the winner emerged: Seascape. My yarn doesn't have the same halo as Kid Silk, but I would say is about as whispy. And we are kindly given the repeat count to easily increase in size. (I hate a wrap that covers only my shoulders, even a delicate, lacey, whispy one. My arms are usually the part that needs a little extra warmth.)
I was really tempted to cast on last night, but now it was nearing 11, and testing smaller needles, figuring out approximate size desired, and plugging that into "multiples of 36 plus 11" sounded way too complicated. Maybe later today.
And yet, today is sock club. I haven't gone in months, and my sweetie must have been feeling guilty, because he volunteered (or at least didn't protest loudly when I suggested it) to watch the little guy so I could spend 2 hours among sock-minded people. Woo hoo!
Today, it is all about the new project burning a hole in your knitting bag.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Rule 3
So, I gathered my resolve, and ripped the whole thing out. That makes one less work in progress, at least. Now I just have to decide what to do with the yarn, especially since I realized that while it is very pretty, it doesn't match a single thing in my closet, so maybe socks for me isn't the best use. I am picturing some frilly, dainty little girl socks.
I have firmly entered the second trimester, so finally feel like knitting again. Once in a while at least. So Pomotomus is. . . an inch longer than it was with little discernable change. And my sweetie's hoodie is . . . a couple inches longer than it was with little discernable change. And my Twisted Tweed Socks are . . . an inch or two longer than they were with . . . I am starting to notice a pattern here.
I hate being in the middle of projects. At the beginning, you see your progress. When you had an inch last week, and now have two inches, you have doubled your progress. Two inches on a hoodie that is already 22 inches just doesn't sound all that impressive. I could start something new, but I feel like I already have too many "active" projects.
Today, it is all about the non-discernable progress
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Forgotten photos
Sunday, June 28, 2009
New home
There is a very good reason for the lack of knitting, but my little Bugaboo wanted to be the one to tell you. He is going to be a big brother in January. (Pause while everyone comes to the correct conclusion.) So I am 2/3's way through the first trimester, and apparently a baby is all my body has the energy to be creating at the moment. As before, I am exhausted and queasy all the time, and even knitting seems like a waste of valuable energy.
The ammo and handgun bottom section has been converted nicely to gadgets, widgets and needles. My sweetie may still need to do some tweaking. The center areas is really too big, and could use one more shelf in there.
Today, it is all about the new storage, for both yarn and babies.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Voila, my new project. I hesitate to call it "new" because I have been working on it for the past several weeks. The color is a light, heatherly mulberry color, in a thin, mohair blend. I had six balls of this, with six white balls languishing in my stash forever. Finally the right (I hope) project chose the yarn. I saw a dramatic long-tail shawl on Mason-Dixon knitting a few months ago, and it seemed to fit the bill.
I am halfway through the first ball now, and the shawl is large enough. . . .to cover my neck. 165 stitches wide already, so obviously, my yarn is much thinner than the originally intended yarn.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
In Memoriam
When she died, sure enough. One last blanket in progress. I told my uncle that I would finish it, and send it to him. I should have looked at how far along she was (and how much there was left to go) before I opened by mouth, but there it is. I have long preferred knitting to crocheting, but I remember how to do it, and I found the instructions in the basket.
Ironically, I gave her the yarn to begin with. A mound of white, gray and blue balls from a long ago abandoned project. This yarn is haunting me, coming back to force me to use it again.
Meanwhile, I hope heaven has yarn stores.
Today, it is all about the honoring.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Swatch you!
I have had something in particular perculating in my mind, so I spent a couple days gathering in preparation. I checked out the book at the library. I jotted down the notes from a blog with my desired midification. I pulled the yarn out of my stash, and decided the best color combo. I was ready.
Last night, I sat down to swatch, to determine the best needle size. Three episodes of "Sex and the City" later (from Season six, on DVD from the library), I had finished my swatch, and decided that I liked the size 7 needle the best, 5 and 6 being too tight.
By then, I was too tired to cast on, and just went to bed. Disappointed, and vowing to start this morning.
This is why I hate swatching. I will hate it even more if I cast on, and decide that 7 is too loose.
I refuse to take a picture of the swatch, so I will just have to wait a little longer to talk about the new project in detail.
Today, it is all about the frustration.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Can I examine your sweater?
You see a pretty sweater (or scarf, or some other knitted garment, but today it was a sweater), and you find yourself stuck in its gravitational pull. The sweater tractor beam locks on to you, pulling you closer and closer, until you feel the need to say something as you violate another's personal space. "Excuse me, can I examine your sweater?"
With any luck, this happens with someone I know, preferably someone who knows that I knit, so they won't think I am crazy. (With strangers, I try to be far more inconspicuous, finding socially acceptable excuses for close proximity: standing behind them in line, that sort of thing. I once spent an entire hour of Civil Procedure class sketching the design of someone's Fair Isle sweater.)
I simply have to mentally and knitterly dissect the sweater. What elements are attracting me the sweater? How are those elements achieved? Can I reproduce, modify, incorporate or otherwise use as inspiration for a future project?
Today, is was the color scheme. (Fitting, since I have been studying dye techniques in books and on the web, mentally preparing myself to attempt dying my own yarn.) The look had several colors, but they blended together in a colorful yet subtle palette. Thinking back, it looked like berries and cream, lightly stirred in the bowl. I looked at it closer, and realized that it was three ply: one a darker solid, and the other two varigated with several lighter versions of the same color, including white.
Some knitters are drawn to the feel of the yarn. Some texture. Me? I am a color girl. I love yarns with interesting depth of color. I love it when the colors in the yarn give the illusion of texture.
I thought about that yarn as I moved from courtroom to courtroom, status hearing to status hearing, all morning. After I was done for the morning, I went back to examine the sweater again. (The court reporter didn't even mind. What a sport!) I was glad that I did, because I noticed that it was not monochromatic, as I earlier thought. There were actually two families of color in the verigated yarns: purple to lavender, and berry to pink. A dark purple was the (solid ply.) Interesting. . . .
I did resist the temptation to take a picture of it with my cell phone.
Today, it is all about the restraint.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I passed one of those milestones this weekend with my Twisted Tweed Socks. I finished the heel. First sock officially is half finished. It knit on this so much yesterday, I almost got tired of it. Not tired of knitting, just tired of this particular project for the day. I was actually wishing I had brought a second back-up project with me to the family gathering. (Birthday party for my sweetie's youngest neice, then family bonding/Wii time before dogs and brats, complete with an hour drive time either way. I love long drives when someone else is driving.)
Today, it is all about the progress.
Monday, March 23, 2009
How did that happen?
Just when I am screaming along thinking I have this pattern down. . . .the knitting fates slap me in the back of the head, and I realize that I have three extra stitches on one side. So far, on these rare occurrances, I have simply made the adjustments, rather than go looking for where I screwed up to begin with. After blocking, I may find that these corrections are all too apparent, but that is what first attempts are all about. Learning.
Meanwhile, my yarn cabinet is one step closer to being put in use. My sweetie cut and glued (?!) the cedar blocks into shelves. After hours of the glue "curing", the shelves can now be cut, again. This is all apparently necessary for shelf construction. Who knew?
Today, it is all about the learning curve.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Woo Hoo!
Synknits suggested I check out etsy. Ohhhh, that place can be dangerous for anyone in range of their credit cards. Or, I have a lingering hankering to try dyeing yarn.
Right now, I will just cuddle and play with the new yarn that I have. I would put it in my NEW (meaning soon to be converted) YARN CABINET (meaning formerly my husband's gun cabinet), except that my sweetie hasn't gotten around to putting in the shelves yet. He was supposed to do that this past weekend. We won't go there.
Today, it is all about the yarn for today and dreaming of yarn for tomorrow.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Is it here yet?
I realize that some of you may be wondering why I am so silly excited about some rather plain jane sock yarn. But you don't understand. I have been on a yarn diet forever. Since the beginning of time. Or at least since the beginning of my marriage. In part because of money, and in part because I just didn't need it. (Pause for the sounds of shock and the frenzieed insistence that one ALWAYS needs more sock yarn.) During most of my pregnancy, I hardly knit at all, and married mommy me just doesn't have the down time (or energy) to knit like I used to. (See previous entry about how many things that we in progress two years ago are still in progress. And there weren't very many things that have been started and finished duriung that time either.)
The only yarn I remember buying in the last two years was the cheapie stuff I bought for my sweetie's hoodie, that that doesn't really count.
So, I checked on the status of my new yarn. Damn! Not even shipped yet. Ok, I guess I did order it only two days ago. I
I also received a birthday gift certificate foy my lys. I have definite plans for that baby,
Today, it is all about the acquisition.
Monday, March 9, 2009
In my next two years
1. Jaywalker Socks: 75% finished. Not in love with the yarn, and the pattern is a bit stiff, so not anxious to wear them.
2. Pomotomus: 75% finished. Like the colors. Like the yarn. Love the pattern. I am befuddled. I HAVE been working on lot on this one, and hope to have it finished soon. ("Soon" being a relative term for me.)
3. Turquoise sweater: only needs sleeves. It probably doesn't even fit me anymore.
4. First Lace: Around 60% finished. Technically, I started this one at the end of March, but that is close enough to count. Love the colors. Like the yarn. Love the pattern. This was intended to be a, ahem, first lace teaching project, and now that I learned how to do it, I am strangely uninspired to finish, even though I still love it.
I guess all of this proves that I am a faithless project slut.
Today, it is all about the two years.
Friday, March 6, 2009
In the end, I guess I will go ahead and knit the Celtic Stole as originally intended, and will just accept the possibility that it may end up being a Celtic Scarf.
And while we are on the topic of things I don't know, can anyone explain to me why I got home late from work only to be yelled at by my husband because he had to watch our son for a few hours on his day off (his mother was here most of the day taking care of the little tyke) and how my actions meant that he was forced to play the computer for an hour to recover and certainly didn't feel like grilling the hotdogs that I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get for him special because he asked me to? I am not following his logic, and wonder under what sort of mental deficiency I am suffering. I was also accused of coming home later when he or his mother is watching little Boogaboo, as compared to when my mother is watching him. He is going to start keeping track. We apologize for this interruption, and now return you to your regularly scheduled knitting blog.
Today, is all about the blockheads, all of them.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Finished Object!
My sweetie went to his mother's hosue Saturday afternoon, to tinker on her computer a bit, and took the baby with him. I had my choice of going along as well, or enjoying a baby-free afternoon. Guess which option I chose? I am so infrequently without the baby for any length of time, except at work. I went to sock club, played on the computer, and knit quietly on the living room sofa. It was wonderful.
I was knitting an oldie but a goodie. Pomotomus. In the last several days, I have finished the leg, turned the heel, and am halfway through decreasing the gussets. I am passed the halfway mark on the second sock, and it is all downhill from here. I felt a little embarassed when it was mentioned at sock club how long I have been working on these socks. Um, over two years now. Sheepish blush. Keep walking, nothing to see here.
I guess my feet are cold in more ways than one these days.
Today, it is all about the frigid feet.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Apparently you have to open the bag
Last night, I came home to find I was hosting a small dinner party. "Look honey, I invited Dave and Joyce to dinner. What will you be making?" So much for grocery shopping, resting and early sleep. That was about as welcome as my sweetie waking me up at 1 am, for really no reason except that he was awake.
Meanwhile, I am the (temporary) owner of a Redneck bathroom. My sweetie is putting ceramic tile in the bathroom, so the toilet is currently in the shower. "You can shower, shave and shit all at the same time!" I am so proud.
In the positive department, I did work on Pomotomus a little over the weekend. Every time I dig this sock out of the knitting bag, I wonder why I stayed away so long. I love the pattern. I love the colors of the yarn. I have no explanation. I finished the last three rows of the pattern repeat, and started the heel flap. Noticeable progress! I am nearly at the halfway mark of the second sock! Why was I not knitting on this before? We won't talk about how long this sock has been in progress. We will only talk of how far I have gotten.
Today, it is all about the bathroom.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Has anyone seen a ball of yarn?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Patience is a virtue
When they finally arrived, I scolded the court staff for being late. The judge was 45 minutes late herself, but sometimes it is good to be queen. By that time, I was sitting in the jury box, happily knitting away. If patience is a virtue, and knitting gives me patient, does that mean that knitting is a virtue?
One of the court reporters showed me her favorite black sweater. Mostly ribbing, with some openwork in a stitch pattern I didn't recognize. Obviously a well-worn and well-loved sweater. She said that she has looked all over and can't find a new one to replace it. She asked how hard it would be to replace. I examined, commenting that most of the pattern was pretty basic and wouldn't be difficult to replicate, especially if she wasn't set on the exact openwork at the bottom. . . . Oh, you mean by me? I have two sweaters in progress as it is. I gave her the number of the LYS, but I think she will be unpleasantly shocked to find out how much a hand-knit sweater will cost. I suggested that she either learn to knit, or find someone who knits and loves her.
Or, someone who loves to knit, but can't afford yarn. My first project in law school was an aphgan for my roommate. She bought the yarn, and paid me $20. I used that money to buy yarn to make myself the same aphgan.
Today, it is all about being virtuous.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The search continues
Are the colors that unique? I already have a finished object in the colors I want. It is a Collinette mohair that I made into a moebius scarf a few years ago. The reds range from bright watermelon, to vivid cherry, to a dark black raspberry. I love the scarf, and I would love a pair of sock in the same colors. In my quest to have matching sock and clothes, this colorway would be perfect. It would match every shade of red/burgandy.
For that matter, in my searches, I have noticed a dearth of reddish sock yarn. I want a true red. Not leaning towards oranges and browns. Not skipping towards hit pink. Not flirting with purple. Red. Lipstick red. Cherry red. Red red. Do people not wear red anymore?
Am I really going to have to learn to dye my own sock yarn just so I can have a shades of red pair of socks?
Today, it is all about the search.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Multiple updates
Meanwhile, I have been working hard on my current sock. Twisted Tweed in Trekking. I just love trekking. I love watching the colors gradually change, and seeing what will come next. You can never have truly identical socks, but I don't mind fraternal socks.
And in lace news, I am about 7 rows into the Celtic Stole. 488 rows to go. But I can't help but notice the size. The measurements are supposed to be 36 inches across. Mine measures 13 inches. Even allowing for blocking, loosening from needle removal, and the margin of error in the tape measure, I think my stole will be considerably smaller than originally intended. I am obviously knitting with cobweb yarn, instead of laceweight. Who knew? It is incredibly thin yarn. Once you get smaller than sock yarn, the gradations of thick and thin become somewhat blurred.
I commented on the problem to my sweetie, and he asked "won't the holes be bigger then?" I was floored. That was a very knitterly insightful question. That is indeed my dilemna in deciding whether to continue. I started a test swatch, so I can see how the yarn behaves post blocking. Stay tuned for that progress.
Today, it is all about the updates and the adorable model.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I know, I said I wouldn't.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sadly picture-less
Here I was, all set to gush and preen over the progress on my sweetie's hoodie, and now I can't show pictures to prove it. I can say anything I like, and no one will believe me. I am nearly at the bottom of the sleeve holes. Round, and round, and round, she goes. I have been knitting stockinette for the 2x body of the hoodie for an eternity. I finally get to do something different. I need to dig out the directions, becuase I can't remember what that it.
Well, my usual knitting model is asleep in his crib anyway. I promise to take pictures soon. Meanwhile, I swear to you that I am not lying.
Today, it is all about the truth.