Monday, December 31, 2007
"Hey, you're knitting!"
I still carry my knitting in my purse, "just in case". It used to be just in case I had to unexpectedly wait somewhere, but now just in case I find some energy.
In happier news, the little one had a first doctor visit, at which I was assured that my exhaustion (and whining, I presume) is perfectly normal, and will get better.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and looks with optomism for the New Year!
Today, it is all about the optomism.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
And worst of all, my darling husband is started to wonder if I am "slacking". Ok, I realize the laundry is piling up, all flat surfaces are covered with unknown rubble, and we haven't had a decent dinner in two weeks (unless the frozen pizza counts. . .), but I assure you I am NOT slacking. If I were slacking, using the fact that my body is expending an incredible amount of energy to incubate our child as an excuse, I would be doing things I like to do. I would read or knit while I rested on the sofa. I certainly would manage to stay awake during a one-hour TV program.
And no, I haven't knit anything in two weeks. Not a single stitch. Nadda. Zero. Zilch.
So, dear, since you have a three-week holiday shutdown, what do you plan on doing after I leave for work every day?
This tirade has been brought to you by your local pregnant knitting society. Please note that tomorrow, I will be back to normal, or what passes for normal these days. T minus five weeks til the 2nd trimester and counting.
Today, it is all about the venting.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Thank you to everyone who offered congratulations on the upcoming attraction in our house, and the source of my exhaustion. (Though I know the little one doesn't mean it.) I am nearly halfway thorugh the first trimester, so that means the downhill track for the queasiness and tiredness. At least that is what I keep telling myself.
Tomorrow I have continuing education. A boring topic, but five CLE hours for only $70 is worth it. So maybe I will gather the energy to knit a little then. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Itty Bitty Knitting
What this means is that I am a little queasy ALL THE TIME. Why do they call it morning sickness if it lasts 24/7? I am also tired a lot. I am doing less than before, and yet have less time for knitting and reading. I find that I am just staring at a television screen, instead of happily knitting away. I didn't know this would be cutting into my knitting time/energy! Well, hopefully things will settle in and I will have more energy again. Hey, don't laugh. It might happen!
In the meantime, while my sweetie was hunting last weekend, I was settled under a warm aphgan, watched DVD's of West Wing, and knit lace. Three more repeats on the Branching Out scarf. I feel like I am finally mastering the pattern, and hopefully the concept of lace. I made a couple of minor errors, but was able to identify and correct them quickly. Everyone is going to make mistakes. The real trick is being able to correct the mistakes.
And for anyone who was curious, no deer were harmed in the production of this blog during hunting season. My freezer is empty, and my sweetie disappointed. Next year, darling.
Today, it is all about the positive test.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Respect the lace
I think I just did not truly resepct the complexity and precision of lace. Yes, I knew that with a chart, I was obviously doing a lot more complex knitting than normal, but apparently I was just not paying close enough attention. All I can say is thank God for lifelines.
I had my first comment yesterday. It was nice to know that someone is actually reading, though it does put more pressure on me. Must be funny. Must post more pictures. Must keep my two readers (I am being optomistic and doubling the number) glued ooey-gooey to their computer screens.
My sweetheart went hunting again last night, and came home empty handed. He was thinking about doing stuff around the house today, but instead will likely be sitting in a tree again. He is counting the number of day left in the season, what with that pesky holiday in the middle, and doesn't want to waste any possible days.
And if my talk about hunting offends anyone, I apologize. I personally would not be able to hunt, because I am squeamish. I would not be able to do the job my mother did (running the heart/lung machine during open-heart surgery) either. When we were caring for Grandma after her surgery, the nurses teased me because whenever they came in the room to check the dressing or, well, do anything, I quickly ran out of the room to fetch grandma more crushed ice or otherwise loiter in the hallway. In defense of hunting, I will only say that I don't see a difference between venison and beef, just because deer are cuter than cows. And in Indiana, they have even raised the bag limit this year because the deer population is unusually high. Obviously, the hunters aren't at risk of creating an endangered species (which would be a horse of a different color altogether.) The only legitimate condemnation of hunting I will accept is from vegetarians, in which case I hope that we can respectfully agree to disagree.
Today, it is all about the respect.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Negative knitting
My knitting time wasn't a complete waste yesterday. I worked on my second Pomotomus at Sock Club yesterday afternoon. I am almost afraid to look at it now, for fear I have to frog all of that too.
And since I recently posted my least favorite socks, I thought I would give equal time to my most favorite. (Is that a legitimate phrase? "Most favorite?")
Happy Sunday to everyone, excuse me while I go frog lace.
Today, it is all about the negativity.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Next Step
Next week, we learn links and buttons.
Excuse me, I am going to knit now.
Today, it is all about the tech.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sea of Stripes
No, really. I finished a couple inches. You don't see it? Look again. You can't tell the difference between 36 inches in length and 38 inches in length?
Well, I am sure that it is just not visible in the photograph.
So, instead of arguing (with myself, mostly) about whether or not the two inches in question is visible in photographs, I am going to talk about a past project. Behold, my Fiesta socks. One of the first pairs of socks I ever finished. I am wearing them now, because my feet are cold on this rainy November Sunday, but I have never liked them. First, they were done with a basic stockinette sock pattern. I obviously made the socks waaaay too big, because they have a tendency to sag and slump around my ankles. Ditto for the bottom on my foot. I am also not wild about the pattern. It only took another pair or two for me to arrive at the realization that I don't like busy patterned socks. Nothing wrong with them, just not my cup of tea. I prefer more subtle, understated variations of color on my socks. And preferably those that actually fit my foot. I made the socks, and my foot was attached to the bottom of my ankle for the whole process, so I really have no excuse for not getting the size right.
You have to love blogs. Where else can you publically display your personal failures?
Today, it is all about the failure, er, I mean learning experiences.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Cables and Punishment
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Swatching doesn't count
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Resistance is futile
I started thinking that maybe I just needed some instant knit gratification. You know, a thicker than sock yarn project to make me see some speedy results and smile at my quick-moving project. I thought about resurrecting a too-long-neglected sweater that only needs sleeves, but oh no, I started thinking about yarns in my stash, and new ideas (or at least recycling old ones). Must. Resist. Finish current projects.
Then someone at sock club yesterday afternoon mentioned that she had 34 active projects (including two crochets) on the needles these days. So, really, I am far below her, and am probably screwing up the bell curve, right? I should cast on something new just to make her feel better, right? Right???? I brought some yarn home from it storage at the office, just in case. (You know, since I was downtown anyway for Sock club.) We will see what happens with dawn's early light today.
My sweetie finally finished the shed. It still needs inside work, shelves, etc, but we have started moving things inside. I am under the impression that this will somehow create more room in the house for my knitting stuff to return from its exile, but that hasn't happened yet. In fact, I am receiving lectures about not putting a lot of *expletive deleted* in the shed. Why is it that his stuff is shed-worthy, and my stuff is *expletive deleted*? A question to ponder.
Today, it is all about the ennui rehabilitation.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
When the going gets boring
I am bored with it already. Sigh.
Friday, October 19, 2007
And I even had time to knit
But I am feeling much better today. Hormones have stabilized. Paycheck deposited (not a permanent solution, but comfort for the day). Money borrowed to cover rental repairs (also not a permanent solution, but it will get me through until I can sue the little puke that did over $3,000 damages in six short months). A desk day made a gaping hole in the stacks on my desk. And I even had time to knit.
I zipped through a good 15 rows of the Seafoam Stripes wrap at the Legion last night. We probably would have left earlier, but Friday night's band did a few songs after setting up and soundchecking, and we stayed longer to listen. I figured I was about halfway finished. A wrap, of course, is whatever length you want, and I had been thinking along the lines of six foot. You know, long enough to wrap around my back and dangle in front of my arms. I measured this morning. 34 inches complete. Damn, I am good.
And in case I ever start to doubt the existance of a omnipotent, benevolant God, I was the unexpected beneficiary of two free tickets to Purdue football tomorrow. Thank you, God, I needed that. Nice way for my sweetie and I to celebrate six months of wedded bliss. Life is good. For today, at least.
Today, it is all about the good.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Incredible Growing Sock
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Happy foot
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Queue Starts Here
The only problem is. . . . .it is an ever-flowing font of inspiration. Since I can't quit my job and knit full-time, and the actuarial tables tell me to expect to live another 40 to 50 years, I don't know how I will ever knit everything in my queue.
My fear is that my new husband will divorce me, and I will be too busy counting stitches to notice. Or I might start losing pets (and someday children) in the stash. I have never had such difficulty exercising knitting willpower. I want to cast on a dozen items and knit them all at once. And here I have been so faithfully devoted to my active WIPs.
Today, it is all about the endless queue.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Reveling in Ravelry
I am (almost) grateful for the Nascar race and the semi-sober men that have descended upon my home to watch it this afternoon, now that we are home. While they cuss, swear and drink beer, I have been quietly scoping out the new world of Ravelry. Can I just say now that Casey and Jess are geniuses who should go down in the Top 100 Knitting Inventors of all Time? I hope that they are able to turn this into a money-making venture, because they deserve all the success they receive from this idea. What a way to gather knitters from across the globe to share resources!
Ok, I am done reveling, in public, at least. Excuse me while I explore further the wonders of ravelry.
Today, it is all about the exploration.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Murphy's Calendar
Did I mention that in only a few hours, my husband and I leave to spend a few days moving my mother? That she has excruciatingly slow dial-up (I can show you the Top Ten List of Things to Do While Waiting on Mom's Dial-Up to anyone who says "pretty please")? That her computer is already packed into large boxes? That I will be too busy carrying boxes and supervising movers to get on the Internet anyway?
Is this some cruel form of medieval torture?!?! Give me something just as I am unable to play with it? [Insert stream of incoherant expletives here.]
My only hope is that Jess and Casey are really on the ball and knock out the last few hundred people, like now, and I can enjoy it for a few hours before heading out. Of course, I wouldn't get any of that pesky work thing done, but that is a small price to pay, in my humble opinion. My clients may disagree, but they don't knit.
Today it is all about the frustration.
Monday, September 17, 2007
This past weekend had noticeable but non-picturable progress on my current WIP's. The Sea Green wrap is very soft, very coxy looking, and long enough to cover one shoulder. And I think I showed admirable restraint in not impaling my husband with a 14-inch metal size 8 needle when he asked if I was almost finished. I also worked more on the foot of the first Pomotomus while I was sitting between bands at the Indy Irish Fest. I was zipping along so nicely that for a while I wondered if I was going to have to start removing shoes to test the legnth on my foot. The muggles just would not have understood the concept.
Today, it is all about the waiting list.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Knitting is normal. Really.
This just goes to show that knitting becomes less unusual the more often the muggles see it in public, even if it is just the same person over and over. They can be converted to accepting us without question, even if they all won't join us. Knitters of the world, unite! We can indeed take over the world!
Meanwhile, I have to decide what knitting to take with me to the Indy Irish fest this weekend. My favorite Irish band from California is deigning to come to the midwest to play. :-) Something mindless and compact. Hmmm, I hate to say it, but as usual, a sock just seems to fit the bill. (Sheepish grin.)
And I am still waiting for my ravelry invite. I am only checking the waiting list once a day, which I understand is quite restrained of me, judging by the comments on their news blog. Just under 3,000 ahead of me in line, which should get knocked out quickly as their new servers finally went online today. Over two months of waiting, I can't wait to join! I see a long queue list in my future, a lot of wasted time, and unfinished work piling up on my desk.
The bike is still untouched in the garage. My sweetie hasn't had a chance to rearrange everything on the handlebars that got whacked out of place with my inadvertant and abrupt connection with the ground. He has been hard at work on the shed, of course. It got the second coat of paint, which makes it photograph exactly like it did after the first, but I understand that is still progress. And he has been purchasing lots of things from Lowes, so I am sure that the shed is poised for more progress.
Today it is all about the conversion.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The good news is. . .
It was a safe ride, except for me. I didn't notice an unmarked hairpin curve until it was too late to slow down enough for it. I overshot the turn, and went down. My sweetie didn't even bother with the kickstand or turning his bike off in his haste to make sure that I was ok, and not pinned underneath the bike. (Nice to know that I really do rank above the Harley. I wouldn't have bet the farm on that one.) I was a bit battered and bruised, mostly ego, but otherwise fine. The bike had a few things out of kilter on the handlebars and a few new scratches, but was otherwise fine.
Last Saturday was more fun and less painful. It was the monthly Sock Club thing. I was working on Pomotomus. Please excuse me while I bang my head against the wall every other row. I have just apparently completely forgotten how to knit this pattern. Still halfway through the foot.
For reasons, I can't explain, attending sock club created an insatiable urge to start something new. Something non-sock. It the fault of this light as air, lacy wrap that I saw hanging in the store. It called out to me.
So I shuffled through the plastic containers, and came up with three possibilities, all thin, fuzzy, mohair-y yarns. Without pausing the think or plan, I cast on. I had a vague notion of what I wanted, but was too impatient to practice or swatch. When I started the plain patterning I had in mind, it didn't look like I thought. Not that I bothered to check the book where I remembered seeing the pattern either.
So I backed up, cast on a smaller piece, and started testing a few variations on my mental theme. I think I have the idea mapped out in my mind, and am currently debating whether to practice to whole thing and eyeball it, or just blunder forward and see how it looks. Sorry, it would appear that she can't be taught.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
And the worst part, I couldn't even knit! I had brought Pomotomus with me, fully prepared to knit happily in pattern on the half side, stockinette on the other half, finish the foot, decrease the toe, and model my new wonderful sock. That was the plan. Instead, I realized that I had messed up. . . somewhere, and couldn't sit there in uninterrupted silence long enough to figure it out! Augh!
I am in court myself most of the day, and tonight is our usual Thursday night at the American Legion, so figuring it out today doesn't look promising. Maybe if I just leave it alone for a week to pout (the sock pouting, that is, not me) it will right itself and let me finish it.
Today, it is all about the humility.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Only two?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I even neglected my knitting. Still work on the first Pomotomus sock, just ready to start gussets, which I haven't done in a few years after I learned how to short-row heel. Mom's sock is about ready to start the heel. And I am drooling over possible lace patterns. I found this super thin wool on ebay, about a million yards of it, and I am looking for something to turn it into. I have not decided yet, but I am leaning towards this montrous, intricate shawl. (Whose name eludes me for the moment, and I am in the office so can't check.) When I say that I haven't decided, that really means that I really want to do it and just haven't convinced myself that I am not crazy. Also, I want to make sure that the yarn is right for the pattern, so I am actually SWATCHING. Practicing the pattern, which is surprising not all that complicated, and I want to see how the yarn behanve in washing and blocking. I don't want any surprises. This whole practicing thing is very foreign to me, as usually I just blunder my way forward, too impatient to plan properly. Yes, she can learn.
Today, it is all about the practicing.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Back on track
I am nearly finished with the gray shawl.
In other news, I am back on track with the Pomotomus sock. Not only have I worked past the little glitch, but I think I can now recognize an error as it happens and correct as I go. I am really loving this sock, even it it takes a tad more concentration than my previous socks.
My sweetie is out on the bike today. Hooters was hosting a parade of bikes and bikini contest. That sounded like a ride that would be better done with his buddy than with me. I am staying home and knitting. Don't worry dear, I will have dinner ready for you when you are finished gawking at silicon-filled bikinis.
Today it is all about the little victories.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Just a couple more rows . . . .
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The middle of the middle
My sweetie is working today, so I did grocery shopping early and spent my morning making homemade soup. Yes, I know this is summertime, but I love this wonderful soup recipe, and who knows the next time he will have Saturday overtime while I have nothing that HAS to be done. Seize the soup. Of course, his kitchen is smaller with less cabinets than my previous one, so my giant stock pots are in storage, and I am forced to make my usual giant pot of soup in two crock pots. So I am doubling the recipe, only to divide it in half between the two pots. Somehow I think I was doing more math that I needed to. Laugh if you want, but I am certain the soup won't taste the same.
What I am not doing today is reading Harry Potter, much as I would like to. I am on the waiting list at the library, and am exercising admirable restraint in not purchasing the book to spent the next 48 hours unmoving on the sofa reading it. I can wait. (Or at least that is what I keep saying to myself.) Somehow, I think I will discover Harry's fate before I get my Raverly invite. Apparently slow on the draw for this (no one ever tells me anything!), there are over 8,000 people on the list ahead of me. At the current rate (so smart of them to have a page to check the list progress) of invites, I should be receiving mine in about, oh, 6 to 12 months, according to my math. See, this is why I hate math.
Today, it is all about the math.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
No pictures needed
The dove gray shawl looks exactly like it did earlier this week, except a little bigger. It is basically about the size of a hood. That is a lot of rows to go. The discouraging part is that each new row takes just a little longer than the one before it. Then there is that pesky work thing that just cuts into my knitting time.
No noticeable progress on the shed either, but that is not relaly my sweetie's fault. It hass been raining off and on the past couple days. Desperately needed for the lawn, but apparently they still haven't invented a power tool that can be safely operated in the rain. I think there is a whole neglected area of power tool invention, new opportunity for rainy day projects, but that isn't my department.
This makes me want to start a new pair of socks just to have something new to write about, but I remain steadfastly devoted to the gray shawl. I am just loving it's drape and feel, and am having blind faith in the powers of blocking, and can't wait to actually wear it on some crisp fall evening.
Today, it is all about the everlasting middle of the project.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Disposible stitch markers
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Our American Legion Riders was joining two other Legion posts to sponsor children from an orphanage on a trip to a local amusement park. The kids ride their buses for a couple hours to get to us. (We had to ride 45 miniutes to get to them, but something tells me we had more fun.) They eat lunch, cooked by the wonderful ladies of the Legion Auxillary. We sweat profusely trying to corral 50 bikers and 100 kids into a group photo, and handed over the check funding NEXT year's trip. Then the bikes (accompanied by a police escort) lead the buses through town, and into the entrance of the park. Apparently, in past years, the bike escort has been as big of a hit with the kids at the park itself. After doing our civic duty, the bikers return to the Legion for our lunch, then hang out for a while before proceeding on our merry way. Pictures may take a while, since I was using the last disposable camera leftover from the honeymoon. You know, the kind that you have to go to have developed, AFTER the roll is finished. We are barely halfway through.
On the way home, my darling husband and I took the long way home to stop off at his grandfather's house, to say hello, he said. I personally believe that he just wanted to show off our shiny chromed two-wheeled wedding present. Grandpa used to ride himself, in his younger days, and hadn't seen the Harley yet. Between our two families, we both ride, as did our parents, our grandparents, and assorted uncles. . . Our child are doomed to be uttering from their strollers: "Vroom, vroom, potato, potato." (That is the sound of a Harley engine, for the non-bikers out there.)
With swelling pride at the outpouring of charity I witnessed today, it is with heavy heart that I acknowledge Indiana has sought to limit biker charity. Biker frequently do "poker rides" for charity. We choose a worthy cause, whether something large and organized like MDA or small, local and personal, like benefitting the family of a recently fallen fireman. Plan a route, set a date, and hope it doesn't rain. The rides include five stops, when each rider picks a card to form a poker hand. Highest hand at the end of the night wins cash, which is frequently donated in part or in whole back to the charity. It is an enjoyable day to benefit charity, and you have a one in several hundred chance of winning some money. . . .and as of July 1st, the State of Indiana has determined that this is illegal gamlbing and outlawed poken rides. Neglected and abused children cases are doubling every three years, real issues could be considered, and the State chose to prevent charity poker rides. I am so proud. Are there any other forms of cahrity to stomp out? Does everyone in the Indiana legislature think that all bikers are a pack of local "Hells Angels" drug-dealing, hell-raising type of people? Don't they realize that we are good people as normal as any of your neighbors, who happen to ride two wheels instead of four as we try to live our lives, raise our children, salute our flag, and try to make the world just a tiny bit better than when we entered it?
Today, it is all about the pride. . . . and the shame.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Instant Gratification
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy Birthday America!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Bad knitting karma
As we were getting ready to leave for the usual Thursday night at the American Legion, I remembered that I hadn't planned on what to knit. So I quickly grabbed Pomotomus.
So all this leads me to wonder, is it safe for me to knit today?
Today, it is all about the karma curiosity.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I haven't been slacking, really.
Second trekking sock, nearly finished!
And the best news of all lately. . . . . the Harley is back, and seemingly functioning properly. Just in time for us to go out of town again to help Mom get her house ready to sell.
Today, it is all about the no-longer whining husband.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Nature's sprinkler
My sweetie and his buddy were hard at work on Friday and Saturday on the shed. I felt almost a little bad to see them all sweaty in the steamy heat, while I stood in air-conditioned comfort inside. Not bad enough to go outside, of course. I had my knitting and a list of cleaning to do. (Don't step on the wet kitchen floor!)
Saturday's motorcycle ride was a bit anticimactic. We were excited to take both bikes to Nascar Club (don't ask). I got to the end of our street, and my bike cut out. No reserve tank, should have still had gas, but dry as a bone anyway. Okaaaaay, one would think that the shop would have splashed a little in the tank, or at least tell me that it was driving on fumes, but maybe that is just too much to ask. A few grunts and swear words later, we got my bike back to the house and filled a little from the gas can. The gas station is just down the street and we were off. . . . Except that my sweetie decided to top off his tank, since we were there, and realized that in the 40 miles he had driven since he picked it up from the shop, he had used 3 gallons. Ok, I have a hard time believing that a motorcycle gets the same gas milage as his pickup truck: 15 miles to the gallon. Plus, it was riding rougher and rougher with every mile. So, his bike goes back to the shop today, as obviously SOMETHING is wrong. Some part isn't talking to another part properly, and it is running worse now that it was before the repairs. [Insert string of explatives here in my sweetie's voice.]
On the plus side, I am finished with my MIL socks. Well, except for, you guessed it, the Kitchner toe. I meant to bring it with the to the Father's Day thing, but, of course, I forgot. Well, she doesn't need wool socks in this pseudo-August weather, anyway, right? I was just too focused on bringing my second trekking sock, WITH reinforcment thread, through it turned out to be overly optomistic with that. Just a couple more rows to go til the heel . . . .I said that all aftenroon. Sigh.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Apparently, confession is good for knitting too.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Kitchner stitch is complex, but not debilitating. What is my problem? I just had a flaskback to the time when on a snowy afternoon I wove in the seams on FIVE pairs of socks, that had been otherwise languishing in my basket. This realization makes me feel every inch the procrastinator that my sweet husband accuses me of being. Particularly since he is going like gangbusters on the shed. Three walls and a floor up. He is hoping to frame the front wall tonight, so he can start hanging the wood siding and provide some rain protection for the floor while he works on the trusses for the roof.
Today, it is all about the guilt.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Are we done yet?
No, but I am working on it."
"Is my mother's sock finished yet?"
"No, but I am working on it."
Unfortunately, Indiana has been plagued with intermittant rain the past several days. Great knitting weather, but apparently you can't use power tools in the rain, so not great construction weather.
Meanwhile, my sweetie was whining last night that his Harley is still in the shop. Apparently, the fact that it was raining all evening and he wouldn't have been able to drive it home anyway was irrelevant.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
One down, one to go
My sweetie's is still in the shop. He was hoping to have it home for the weekend too, but alas, it was not meant to be. I kept reminding him it was supposed to rain anyway, but he was unconsolable.
Otherwise, I am still stuck in the sagging center of knitdom. Four socks and one shawl still in active progress. Sigh.
Today, it is all about the vroom!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Dark tunnel
This is a shed. Well, it will be a shed. My sweetie and I just brought this very large (and heavy, I assure you) stack of wood home this past weekend. (Thanks again Mom!) My sweetie and I have decided that the two car garage is no longer big enough for two motorcycles, two bicycles, power tools, and yard equipment, so we are building a shed in the back yard. Well, he is, I am helping by fetching, carrying, and feeding any random slaves, er, volunteer helpers, that show up.
This week, however, our garage is plenty big enough.
Even my knitting seems a bit of a mess these days.
Today, it is all about the small steps.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Stuck in the middle
I am Judge Pro Tem again this afternoon. Great knitting opportunities, though the $25 for the afternoon pay leaves much to be desired. I don't usually work for minimum wage anymore. Really, I just do it as a favor to the judge and for the honor. I could just go broke with all this honor.
Oh, yeah. And my bike? It is being taken to the shop today. So I guess it is at the beginning of being fixed, but half the battle was getting someone to answer the freaking phone so I could schedule the repair, so I am calling that the middle.
Today, it is all about the middle.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Swatch you
I am playing judge again. Every other time, I have done child support court, but this time it is Juvenile Court. I am dealing with deliquents and children who have been removed from their parents' care. It feels like I have graduated one more tier up the judge ladder. Not that I want to be a judge by any stretch of the imagination, but it is interesting to get another perspective on these cases, since I am usually a lawyer in them.
And of course, in the downtime, I knit. Socks in progress, swatches testing, don't look at me like I am crazy. Haven't you ever seen your judge put down her knitting to begin a hearing before?
Today, it is all about the swatching.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Garage knitting
In addition to picking up my cross-stitch again, I have started sewing clothes again. I dug out a skirt in progress, and started working on it again. I had stopped before with the lining, because working a sewing pattern twice is ten times worse than a second sock. So now the lining and the skirt match, and all is left is the waistband and hem. In pawing through my patterns to decide which ones to sell, I found so many lovely ones that I can't wait to make, most of which I already have material that would suit.
In closing, in addition to my own and my in-law, happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. We had joked that it would have been nice to gift our mothers with a grandbaby on the way, but we have only been married three weeks, and we are still practicing.
Today it is all about the mothers.